Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Actual quote from today's NaNoing

"How do you get the Prime Minister into a yoghurt shop?"
"Take... take the yoghurt out first?"

I don't even know anymore. 

Saturday, 3 November 2012

NaNo to day three

Day one:
Word count: 3035
Sustenance: Boxes of Nerds
Unexpected development: Character on fire by page two

Day two:
Word count: 6236
Sustenance: Unhealthy amounts of milk
Unexpected development: Character breaks into dead man's office and throws up over an old sandwich

Day three:
Word count: 10241 (yes!)
Sustenance: Nothing. Must eat now.
Unexpected development: Character is full-scale brat. Must re-think plot.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

A tool of NaNo procrastination

Every year or so, for one reason or another, I create a new blog. I write in it for a bit and then I get bored and create another one. This may well happen again.

I decided to bring this blog into existence mostly because NaNoWriMo is starting tomorrow, and it's just not the same if you aren't being distracted by eighteen thousand completely non-essential things. Expect playlists, plot holes, and "why am I writing this? I shouldn't be writing this!".

This year, I am writing a mystery-thriller type thing. I did the same thing last year and the year before, but this time I've actually bothered to work out what the mystery is beforehand. Reading back over my last two novels, they positively scream "Hey! Want to know what the society in the mystic robes is trying to do? Curious about why there are four men with the same face? Well, guess what? The author hasn't got a damn clue either! Keep reading, it won't help either of you." So this year I know exactly who my characters are, what they want, what they're going to do, who dies, and even how it ends. I have literally NEVER known how one of my novels was going to end, except that time when I wrote an incredibly detailed outline complete with ending and one of my characters scuppered everything by having an inexplicable freak-out and attacking every single other person in the story. That was weird.

(If you're also doing NaNo, feel free to add me as a buddy here. I've been doing NaNo since I was a teenager, so please don't judge me for the ridiculous username. Thanks).